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Showing posts from October, 2015

Get a SUN-Glass

Her blog acts like a painkiller to me. Each and every word of her blog penetrates my heart though I love it. We'll discuss the reason behind this later. Today I'm here for something else. "Opposite Charges Attract Each Others" Class 8th Science book reads this while the life allows you to feel it. When I was in class 6th or 5th I read about the water cycle. Sun absorbs the water from the water bodies on the earth and converts it into the clouds. Don't worry I'm not going to explain the whole Water Cycle here. So we were talking about Sun and the water! Sun absorbs the water from each and every water body. It doesn't discriminate Thames and Ganga, it doesn't discriminate the pools of rich and the pond of village, it doesn't discriminate the Citarum and society's drainage. It simply absorbs the water for the cloud and replenish without the same attitude, the no Discrimination Attitude! The same water cycle applies to o...