It is good to see someone writing about the women empowerment and feminism and its really makes me feel awesome when I see people practicing these things rather than writing. However I'm not here for defining my version of women empowerment and feminism as lot of good stuffs by great people are already available in the open market. Recently my one of friend vomited (HIS/HER) version of feminism and women empowerment. I was happy to read it. but wait for a while! What women empowerment means! People from different sociology-economical background will flood your mind with different thoughts and views. So do my friends, as they are the part of the society. Let's talk about the venom of my close friend. "If you are educating a girl in Hi-Fi institutions; does that mean you got power to impose your decision. Did she ask you, ‘Dad, I want to study in this or that’? Freak, she was a kid. You decided it may be you wanted to show off the community that you ...